Jalsa Salana Qadian
Jalsa Salana Qadian
Jalsa Seeratun Nabi (sa) will be held by Local Jama`ats across Canada.
13th Annual Food Drive
Ijlas `Am by Local Jama`at
Regional Waqf Nau Ijlas - Eastern Canada
Lajna - Refresher Course
39th National Majlis Shura.
Every second week a Talim-o-Tarbiyyat class is being held at the Halton Mosque for Oakville Jama`at. All Atfal, Khuddam and Ansar are requested to join this event filled with religious and general knowledge activities. Book Review, Ask a question to your peer, Knowledge sharing and more.
Insha'Allah on Sunday April, 12 2015, Ijlas-e-Aam for Khuddam and Atfal will take place at Baitul Hamd Mosque Mississauga from 2pm. This is a regional program.
General Body Meeting will be held on March 15th, 2015. All members are requested to attend the meeting at the Halton Mosque